Guide, Leather Jacket Guide

What Year were Leather Jackets Popular

The History Of The Leather Jacket: When And Why They Became So Popular

The leather jacket is a staple in many wardrobes, but when and why did they become so popular? In this blog, we take a look at the history of the leather jacket and find out some interesting facts about the iconic garment.

The Origin Of Leather Jackets

Leather jackets have been around for centuries, with their origins tracing back to the early 1800s. They were originally designed for functionality, not style, and were worn by military personnel and aviators. It wasn’t until the early 1900s that leather jackets began to be seen as a fashion item.

The first leather jacket style that became popular was the bomber jacket, which was introduced in the 1920s. This style was characterized by its fitted silhouette and wide range of colors. It quickly became a symbol of rebellion and masculinity, which appeal to many young people at the time.

In the 1950s, another style of leather jacket became popular: the motorcycle jacket. This style was heavier and more durable than the bomber jacket, making it ideal for motorcycle riders. It featured a shorter length and more relaxed fit, as well as asymmetrical zip closures.

Today, leather jackets are more popular than ever before. They come in a wide range of styles to suit any taste, from classic bombers to modern moto jackets. And while they may no longer be solely functional garments, they still retain an air of coolness and edge that makes them incredibly stylish.

The History of the leather jacket

The leather jacket has been around for centuries, with its origins dating back to the early days of horseback riding. In those days, a leather jacket was essential for protecting the rider from the elements and from being chafed by the saddle. The first leather jackets were made of boiled or treated animal skins and were often decorated with fringe, beads, and other adornments.

As time went on, the leather jacket became associated with rugged masculinity and began to be worn by soldiers, aviators, and motorcycle riders. In the early 20th century, Hollywood stars like Marlon Brando and James Dean popularized the leather jacket in films like “The Wild One” and “Rebel Without a Cause.” These movies helped solidify the leather jacket’s place in popular culture as a symbol of rebellion and nonconformity.

Today, the leather jacket is still seen as a symbol of toughness and coolness. It has been adopted by many subcultures, including punk rockers, metalheads, goths, and bikers. Whether you’re looking for protection from the elements or just want to look good, a leather jacket is always a stylish choice.

Types of Jackets

Leather jackets come in many different styles, each with its own unique history.

The most common style of leather jacket is the bomber jacket. Bomber jackets were originally designed for pilots in the early 20th century. They were made to keep pilots warm in the open cockpits of airplanes. Today, bomber jackets are still popular among aviators and civilians alike.

Another popular style of leather jacket is the motocross jacket. Motocross jackets were originally designed for motorcycle racing. They were made to protect riders from the elements and from injuries in case of a fall. Today, motocross jackets are still popular among motorcycle riders and racing fans.

The third type of leather jacket is the café racer jacket. Café racer jackets were originally designed for British motorcycle riders in the 1950s. They were made to be lightweight and comfortable for riding long distances. Today, café racer jackets are still popular among motorcycle riders and vintage clothing enthusiasts.


The leather jacket has been around for centuries and its popularity only seems to be increasing. Whether you’re looking for a stylish piece to add to your wardrobe or you’re interested in the history behind this iconic garment, there’s no denying that the leather jacket is here to stay. Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about the history of the leather jacket!