Guide, Leather Jacket Guide

How to use Saddle Soap on Leather Jacket

how to use saddle soap on leather jacket

An Exceptional leather jacket never goes out of style. They can add style, class, and sophistication to any outfit. Men around the world are pulling in leather jackets to enhance their style. Many call themselves the most out-of-date clothing ever made. However, they take little care to keep them in as good a condition as possible. Have you ever wondered how your leather jacket will age?

Once the excitement of buying your new leather jacket has worn off, it is time to take care of it and keep it for years to come. Taking a few practical steps will keep your leather jacket looking fresh for a long time. Leather jackets are much softer than your outerwear, and unfortunately, tossing them in the washing machine is not an option.

The good news is that there are many products on the market today to keep your coats from looking dirty or dull and dry. Please keep reading to learn how to take care of your leather jacket and learn a few tips and tricks to clean it to make it look clean for a long time to come.

How does leather change over time?

We all know that leather jackets can be made of various animal leather. Cow, Sheep, and lamb leather are the most common. Are all these leather types aging? Generally, yes, all types of leather jackets will have very similar aging processes, no matter what hidden animal they are made of. When it comes to leather, always remember that it is made of natural materials.

Therefore, if the color changes or stretches, it is entirely normal. Some men even like it when their jackets have a more ‘inside’ look or ‘old’ look. Some of the signs of aging that we see on the leather are the natural effects of animal leather, but if you want to keep your coat longer, you can take a few essential steps to keep it as close as possible the day you bought it.

Everything you need to know

  • Color: Is your leather jacket a completely different shade of black or brown than when you first bought it? Most likely, if the color of the leather jacket looks bawdy, it is because due care has not been taken to preserve the material when the coat is new. Sun exposure, body oil, rain, light bulbs, overuse, dust, dirt, and temperature changes are among the most common causes of discoloration of leather jackets over time. Most of the time, things like dust, sun exposure, and daily use are unavoidable, so your best bet on keeping your jacket looking sharp is the proper care of the leather jacket when you first buy it. Products such as seat soap and waterproof spray will help keep the color of your coat longer.
  • Stretching: The leather coat should stretch and grow on your body. It shouldn’t hang on the floor like a blank coat, though. Naturally, in all daily use, leather jackets will stretch slightly. It is essential to buy a leather jacket that is not too large in the first place. If your coat is already loose when you first buy it, you are wearing it within the first two years. It will probably end up no longer suitable for wearing.
  • Feeling: Like sweet wine, sometimes leather jackets get better with growing! Over time, your leather jacket will start to feel like a second layer of leather. Like the perfect shoes that make up your foot, your leather jacket will feel like it was made for your body.

How to clean your leather jacket with saddle soap

Does your leather jacket look a little better? It may be natural aging, or it may require less TLC. Periodically washing your leather jacket will keep it from looking dull or dyed. You can use saddle soap on many leather jackets to clean the area and maintain the authentic look of your leather jacket.

What is saddle soap?

Saddle soap is a type of leather condition that can be used to clean, repair, and protect Genuine Leather from damage. Although there are so many types and varieties of saddle soaps, most of those on the market today are made from a mixture of essential ingredients such as lanolin and beeswax.

How to clean a leather jacket with saddle soap – step by step

Start by wiping your clothes with a damp cloth – not soaked. This will remove the dust and dirt accumulated on the leather’s surface. Next, apply a small amount of saddle soap to another clean washcloth. Gently apply soap to the entire chair leather with a new bath towel. For best results, rub on it using clockwise movements. If the saddle soap seems a little easier, do not worry. It will gradually settle on the leather and be invisible. If there is still too little left, try wiping the top of the jacket with a clean, dry cloth to remove any excess seat soap.

How often do I need to use saddle soap?

Remember that saddle soap is not a one-time product. It would help if you regularly used it on your leather jackets and all leather products, such as belts and wallets. A good rule of thumb is to apply seat soap once every 3-4 months for complete protection. Regular chair soap will protect your leather from natural aging, such as dryness, cracking, and sun damage.

Remember that using chair soap often can damage your leather. Excessive use can lead to excess moisture, clogging the leather, and promoting carbon dioxide. If you stick to the rule every few months, you should not face any problems.

What you should keep in mind when cleaning: tips and tricks

  • Always check the manufacturer’s instructions. Your leather jacket will have an internal care label with the manufacturer’s recommended cleaning instructions. More important, it will contain warnings against improper use. Generally, the manufacturer will suggest the best cleaning method for that particular type of leather and grain.
  • Know the leather type. This way, you will know what types of cleansing products are best for your leather type. Is your leather natural or treated? Natural or non-natural leather has no protection, but portable leather jackets do. If you are unsure, try to feel the jacket. It sounds like plastic; if so, it is probably treated with some storage. The treated leather is easy to clean, so if your coat is natural, make sure you stay very careful when taking care of your coat.
  • Lubricate your coat before cleaning. Using a soft brush or cloth, wipe off any dust and grease before starting the cleaning/repair process. Wipe the entire surface of the coat. Regular dusting will make cleaning more comfortable. We suggest dusting the circular movement to prevent any damage to your coat.
  • Treat your leather jackets with conditioners. Products like saddle soaps and leather coolers save lives when it comes to the longevity of leather jackets. Apply a moisturizing cream to the face of your coat. This will help it to remain flexible while preventing cracks and splits. You can use chair soap for this or any other leather ingredient on the market. It may not be accessible if your coat is very soft, but the heater will help keep it feeling very comfortable if you have a rough leather jacket.